Female Insurance Summit hosted by ERGO

Event on 12 June 2024 in Düsseldorf

Change & Culture, 02.05.2024

The Female Insurance Summit (FIS) brings together people who are committed to equal opportunities and gender equality in the insurance industry. This year, ERGO is hosting the event, which will take place in Düsseldorf on 12 June 2024.

Female Insurance Summit 2023  

Empowering women, developing a new generation of leaders and promoting the careers of diverse insurance professionals - these are the self-declared goals of the FIS. "We want to learn from each other, inspire and motivate each other," say the initiators.

The event, which took place for the first time in 2023 and immediately met with a great response, offers the opportunity to network as well as a programme of inspiring presentations - the speakers on stage include Bonita Grupp, Managing Partner of TRIGEMA, and Dr Kati Ernst, Co-Founder & CEO of OOIA. ERGO will be represented by Labour Director Lena Lindemann, Ursula Clara Deschka (CEO ERGO Baltics) and Jens Parthe (ERGO Beratung & Vertrieb AG) among others. The conference was initiated by STC Versicherungsmakler GmbH.

Gender ambition is a focus topic at ERGO

For ERGO, "Gender Ambition" is one of the focus topics in Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Management and is therefore an integral part of the corporate strategy. 40 per cent women in management positions by 2025 was the target set, which was already achieved in the fourth quarter of 2023 at 41.1 per cent.

Mentoring specifically for women, programmes to reconcile work and family life and seminars to promote a diverse corporate culture have been an integral part of ERGO's HR strategy for years. The "Women in Leadership" initiative offers insights into the lives and development paths of women who can already look back on an impressive career at ERGO.

Further efforts specifically for sales

In insurance sales in particular, however, further efforts are needed to inspire women to enter the profession. For this reason, Christian Gründl, CEO of ERGO Beratung und Vertrieb AG, and Jacqueline Schüttler, Head of Recruiting at ERGO Beratung und Vertrieb AG, have made a special effort to organise the Female Insurance Summit at ERGO.

“We are very pleased to organise the FIS this year and thus create a platform where talented and committed women and men from our industry can network and exchange ideas. The response is huge. This shows us once again that it's important to rethink the insurance industry - in a diverse way.”

Jacqueline Schüttler, Head of Recruiting at ERGO Beratung und Vertrieb AG

“ERGO offers a modern, digital consulting and sales process. Many clichés on insurance sales are outdated. We have to communicate this better in order to raise awareness of the profession among women. This is a challenge not only for us, but for the entire insurance industry. We are looking forward to the exchange with the participants of the Female Insurance Summit.”

Christian Gründl, CEO of ERGO Beratung und Vertrieb AG

More on the topic

Website of the Female Insurance Summit (under construction)


Tickets for the event


ERGO initiative "Women in Leadership"


Text: Kristina Tewes

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