Konferenzraum mit mehreren Personen

Company Management

Management ERGO Group

Get to know the members of the Boards of Management of the ERGO Group and its companies and learn more about their responsibilities. 

Board of Management ERGO Group AG

The Board of Management of ERGO Group AG consists of seven members. 

Dr. Markus Rieß

Chief Executive Officer

Portrait / Foto: Dr. Markus Rieß

Heiko Stüber

Chief Financial Officer

Portrait / Foto: Heiko Stüber

Robin Johnson

Chief Technology Officer

Portrait / Foto Robin Johnson

Mark Klein

Chief Digital Officer

Edward Ler

Chief Underwriting Officer

Edward Ler

Dr. Lena Lindemann

Labour Director

Dr. Lena Lindemann

Dr. Ulf Mainzer

Member of the Board of Management 

Dr. Ulf Mainzer

ERGO Group AG Supervisory Board

The Supervisory Board controls the Board of Management and advises it on all matters of importance to the company. In doing so, it contributes to the long-term development of ERGO.

ERGO Aufsichtsrat

Boards of group companies

ERGO Group AG consolidates three separate units: ERGO Deutschland AG, ERGO International AG and ERGO Technology & Services Management AG, combining German and international business, direct and digital business respectively, as well as the global management of IT and technology services.

  1. ERGO Germany
  2. ERGO International
  3. ERGO Technologie & Services Management

Board of Management of ERGO Deutschland AG

ERGO Deutschland AG is responsible for business in Germany. The Board of Management consists of ten members. 

Theodoros Kokkalas

Chief Operating Officer ERGO Germany

Chair of the Board of Management of ERGO Deutschland AG

Theodoros Kokkalas

Olaf Bläser

Member of the Board of Management of ERGO Deutschland AG

Responsible for Property & Casualty Insurance

Portrait / Foto: Olaf Bläser

Dr. Dr. Michael Fauser

Member of the Board of Management of ERGO Deutschland AG

Responsible for Life Insurance Germany

Portrait / Foto: Dr. Dr. Michael Fauser

Frauke Fiegel

Member of the Board of Management of ERGO Deutschland AG

Responsible for Health and Travel

Portrait / Foto: Frauke Fiegl

Dr. Christian Gründl

Member of the Board of Management of ERGO Deutschland AG

Responsible for Sales

Portrait / Foto: Dr. Christian Gründl

Mario Krause

Chief Information Officer ERGO Germany

Member of the Board of Management of ERGO Deutschland AG

Responsible for Information Technology Germany

Portrai / Foto: Mario Krause

Christian Molt

Member of the Board of Management of ERGO Deutschland AG

Responsible for Traditional Life Insurance

Portrait / Foto: Christian Molt

Dr. Sebastian Rapsch

Member of the Board of Management of ERGO Deutschland AG

Responsible for Market Management and Operations

Dr. Sebastian Rapsch

Anke Schaks

Member of the Board of Management of ERGO Deutschland AG

Responsible for Global Marketing & Customer Experience and Investment Products

Portrait / Foto: Anke Schaks

Christine Voß

Member of the Board of Management of ERGO Deutschland AG

Responsible for Finance

Portrait / Foto: Christine Voss

Board of Management of ERGO International AG

ERGO International AG manages the international business of ERGO Group. The Board of Management consists of four members. 

Dr. Oliver Martin Willmes

Chief Operating Officer ERGO International

Chair of the Board of Management of ERGO International AG

Portrait / Foto: Dr. Oliver Willmes

Ritesh Kumar

Deputy Chief Operating Officer ERGO International

Deputy Chair of the Board of Management of ERGO International AG

Portrait / Foto: Ritesh Kumar

Dr. Max Happacher

Member of the Board of Management of ERGO International AG

Responsible for Risk Management

Portrait / Foto: Dr. Max Happacher

Ilona Mihele

Member of the Board of Management of ERGO International AG

Responsible for Financial Steering & Planning, Financial Performance Management

Portrait / Foto: Ilona Mihele

Board of Management of ERGO Technology & Services Management AG

ERGO Technology & Services Management AG has a transnational mandate as a global technology and service provider for the entire ERGO Group. The Board of Management consists of four members. 

Robin Johnson

Chief Operating Officer

Chair of the Board of Management of ERGO Technology & Services Management AG

Portrait / Foto Robin Johnson

Dr. Michael Kehl

Chief Governance and Administration Officer

Member of the Board of Management of ERGO Technology & Services Management AG

Responsible for Governance, Processes, Finance and HR

Portrait / Foto: Dr. Michael Kehl

Mario Krause

Chief Information Officer ERGO Deutschland

Member of the Board of Managements of ERGO Deutschland AG and ERGO Technology & Services Management AG

Responsible for Demand ERGO Deutschland AG

Portrai / Foto: Mario Krause

David Malligan

Global Chief Delivery Officer

Member of the Board of Management of ERGO Technology & Services Management AG

Responsible for Global Delivery, Global Project Governance, Monitoring and Reporting

Management boards of the German companies

Board of Management of ERGO Versicherung AG

The Board of Management consists of five members. 

Olaf Bläser

Chairman of the Board of Management of ERGO Versicherung AG

Portrait / Foto: Olaf Bläser

Peter Knaus

Member of the Board of Management of ERGO Versicherung AG

Responsible for Commercial P&C Composite

Portrait / Foto: Peter Knaus

Dr. Sebastian Rapsch

Member of the Board of Management of ERGO Versicherung AG

Responsible for Operations

Dr. Sebastian Rapsch

Heiko Stüber

Member of the Board of Management of ERGO Versicherung AG

Responsible for accounting, controlling, taxes, risk management

Portrait / Foto: Heiko Stüber

Dr. Feriha Zingal-Krpanic

Member of the Board of Management of ERGO Versicherung AG

Responsible for tariff business

Portrait / Foto: Dr. Feriha Zingal-Krpanic

Board of Management of ERGO Vorsorge Lebensversicherung AG

The Board of Management consists of four members. 

Dr. Dr. Michael Fauser

Chairman of the Board of Management of ERGO Vorsorge Lebensversicherung AG

Portrait / Foto: Dr. Dr. Michael Fauser

Dr. Oliver Horn

Member of the Board of Management of ERGO Vorsorge Lebensversicherung AG

Responsible for mathematics, IT and broker sales

Portrait / Foto: Dr. Oliver Horn

Dr. Sebastian Rapsch

Member of the Board of Management of ERGO Vorsorge Lebensversicherung AG

Responsible for Operations

Dr. Sebastian Rapsch

Heiko Stüber

Member of the Board of Management of ERGO Vorsorge Lebensversicherung AG

Responsible for accounting, controlling, taxes, risk management

Portrait / Foto: Heiko Stüber

Board of Management of ERGO Lebensversicherung AG

The Board of Management consists of four members. 

Martin Brown

Chief Financial Officer

Spokesman of the Board of Management of ERGO Lebensversicherung AG

Responsible for accounting and reserving under IFRS, controlling, taxes, shareholdings, risk management, credit and cash management, complaints management, facility management and legal affairs

Portrait / Foto: Martin Brown

Joachim Fensch

Member of the Board of Management of ERGO Lebensversicherung AG

Responsible for Operations and IT

Portrait / Foto: Joachim Fensch

Christian Molt

Member of the Board of Management of ERGO Lebensversicherung AG

Responsible for corporate development and migration of life insurance policies

Portrait / Foto: Christian Molt

Dr. Siegfried Nobel

Member of the Board of Management of ERGO Lebensversicherung AG

Responsible for mathematics 

Dr. Siegfried Nobel

Board of Management of DKV Deutsche Krankenversicherung AG

The Board of Management consists of four members. 

Frauke Fiegel

Chairwoman of the Board of Management of DKV Deutsche Krankenversicherung AG

Responsible for Central Tasks, Actuarial Office, Product Management Supplementary and Comprehensive Insurance

Portrait / Foto: Frauke Fiegl

Nina Henschel

Member of the Board of Management of DKV Deutsche Krankenversicherung AG

Responsible for partner sales and group health business

Portrait / Foto: Nina Henschel

Christoph Klawunn

Member of the Board of Management of DKV Deutsche Krankenversicherung AG

Responsible for customer service health

Portrait / Foto: Christoph Klawunn

Heiko Stüber

Member of the Executive Board of DKV Deutsche Krankenversicherung AG

Responsible for accounting, controlling, taxes, risk management

Portrait / Foto: Heiko Stüber

Board of Management of ERGO Krankenversicherung AG

The Board of Management consists of four members. 

Frauke Fiegel

Chairwoman of the Board of Management of ERGO Krankenversicherung AG

Responsible for Product Management, Communication, Legal Affairs, Actuarial Office and Shareholdings

Portrait / Foto: Frauke Fiegl

Nina Henschel

Member of the Board of Management of ERGO Krankenversicherung AG

Responsible for health insurance and group business

Portrait / Foto: Nina Henschel

Christoph Klawunn

Member of the Board of Management of ERGO Krankenversicherung AG

Responsible for customer service

Portrait / Foto: Christoph Klawunn

Christine Voß

Member of the Board of Management of ERGO Krankenversicherung AG

Portrait / Foto: Christine Voss

Information about the Board of Management of ERGO Reiseversicherung AG can be found on the company's website.

Board of Management of ERGO Direkt AG

The Board of Management consists of two members. 

Christoph Klawunn

Chairman of the Board of Management of ERGO Direkt AG

Portrait / Foto: Christoph Klawunn

John-Paul Pieper

Member of the Board of Management of ERGO Direkt AG

Responsible for sales

Board of Management of ERGO Direkt Versicherung AG

The Board of Management consists of three members. 

Dr. Feriha Zingal-Krpanic

Chairwoman of the Board of Management of ERGO Direkt Versicherung AG

Responsible for Tariff Business

Portrait / Foto: Dr. Feriha Zingal-Krpanic

Richard Bader

Member of the Board of Management of ERGO Direkt Versicherung AG

Responsible for Actuarial Pricing, Product Management, Money Laundering Risk Management, Compliance (Outsourcing Officer), Actuarial Function (Outsourcing Officer)

Richard Bader

Christine Voß

Member of the Board of Management of ERGO Direkt Versicherung AG

Responsible for Finance

Portrait / Foto: Christine Voss

Board of Management of ERGO Beratung und Vertrieb AG

The Board of Management consists of four members. 

Dr. Christian Gründl

Chairman of the Board of Management of ERGO Beratung und Vertrieb AG

Portrait / Foto: Dr. Christian Gründl

Markus Bernhard

Labour Director

Member of the Board of Management of ERGO Beratung und Vertrieb AG

Responsible for Human Resources Sales and Sales Management

Portrait / Foto: Markus Bernhard

Jens Parthe

Member of the Board of Management of ERGO Beratung und Vertrieb AG

Responsible for Strategy and Cooperation (Products and Sales), Agency System and Consulting Processes, Interface Function Broker/Cooperation Sales

Portrait / Foto: Jens Parthe

Jean Paul Pieper

Member of the Board of Management of ERGO Beratung und Vertrieb AG

Responsible for Direct Sales and Omni-Channel

Portrait / Foto: John-Paul Pieper

Executive Management of ITERGO Informationstechnologie GmbH

The Executive Management consists of five members. 

Mario Krause

Chairman of the Executive Management of ITERGO Informationstechnologie GmbH

Portrai / Foto: Mario Krause

Michael Liebe

Member of the Executive Management of ITERGO Informationstechnologie GmbH

Responsible for Application Development and Maintenance

Portrait / Foto: Michael Liebe

Caroline Meister

Member of the Executive Management of ITERGO Informationstechnologie GmbH

Responsible for Global Delivery Germany

Portrait / Foto: Caroline Meister

Jens Parthe

Member of the Executive Management of ITERGO Informationstechnologie GmbH

Responsible for the management of the ZAV programme

Portrait / Foto: Jens Parthe

Rui Valente

Member of the Executive Management of ITERGO Informationstechnologie GmbH

Responsible for infrastructure and operations

Portrait / Foto: Rui Valente

Management boards of the international companies

ERGO is represented in over 20 countries worldwide and focuses on its core and growth markets in Europe and Asia. The management boards of the international companies can be found on the local websites of the countries.

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