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aus den Bereichen Unternehmenskultur & Wandel, Nachhaltigkeit, Wachstum & Märkte, Digitalisierung & Technologie sowie Sport & Sponsoring.
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Traditional structures and processes in insurance companies are traditionally geared towards stability and efficiency. However, this can lead to challenges in adapting to new market conditions. “This is where start-ups and scale-ups can provide key impetus,” writes ERGO CDO Mark Klein on //next. These dynamic companies epitomize agility, innovation, and customer focus. They have the ability to develop disruptive business models, thus delivering crucial impulses for the industry.
An example of such collaboration is our recently launched #ERGO ScaleHub program. This initiative aims to support Düsseldorf-based scale-ups in the fields of health, finance, and insurance. By gaining access to expert networks, business contacts, and resources, these companies can grow faster and successfully bring their innovative solutions to market. [...]
👩💻 In an era where technology evolves at an unprecedented pace, the need for efficient testing and implementation of new solutions has never been more critical. Enter ERGO ScaleHub, a groundbreaking initiative launched last summer during the Startup Week Düsseldorf, aimed at supporting innovative scale-ups in the fields of health, finance, and insurance. But what exactly does this mean for startups and scaleups, and how can they leverage such programs to their advantage?
One of the first young companies to join this program is rhyno solutions ag, a scaleup that offers innovative software products in the human resources sector. In his interview on //next, Co-founder 🚀Carim Chenna emphasizes the shift from traditional methods to a digitized approach, highlighting how their innovative software is designed to solve real problems for businesses today. [...]
With full passion, our team competed in the first #RocketLeague Düsseldorf Cup in November and achieved an impressive second place!
👏 Congratulations to Jonah Strommenger, Bastian Torkildsen, Torben Flade.
"This success in eSports shows that the ERGO Group is not only an attractive employer, but also a modern company that is breaking new ground in the way it motivates and develops its employees," says Matthias Nawrocki, ERGO Head of Metaverse.
The award ceremony took place this week in the town hall of Düsseldorf, where Mayor Dr. Stephan Keller presented us with the award in the historic Jan-Wellem-Saal. [...]