Corporate Culture & People, 26 September 2022

HDFC ERGO in India backs diversity and supports women

International diversity projects

Diversity bei HDFC ERGO in Indien

During the past year, HDFC ERGO launched two major projects in India aimed at improving diversity and promoting inclusion.

Oliver Wilmes, Chairman of the Board of Management of ERGO International AG

"We have already successfully implemented diversity as a strategic goal in many of our companies outside Germany. HDFC ERGO General Insurance, India, is working on creating an equitable working environment that fully embraces the power of diversity.“

Oliver Wilmes, Vorsitzender des Vorstands ERGO International AG

Project “Purple”

The objective of this project is to provide career opportunities to people with disabilities. In the short time since the project was launched, HDFC ERGO has onboarded more than ten people with disabilities and intends to increase this figure significantly in the coming year. For this purpose, HDFC ERGO is partnering with various non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and qualification facilities.

Zitat Shruti Sethi

As a company, we work to promote an equitable environment. We believe that diversity is not just about tangible aspects but also about improving people's lives. We are an inclusive, participative, compassionate and equitable employer that promotes people with disabilities and helps them to grow and leverage their potential.

Shruti Sethi, project leader of "Purple“

Sameer Ganatra, participant in the projekt "Purple“

"I joined HDFC ERGO in 2009. Since I started working here, diversity has been a key theme, and I saw how hard the organisation was working on achieving this goal. My disabilities have never been regarded as an obstacle to my career aspirations, and I was offered numerous opportunities. The importance of project "Purple" lies in tis capacity to change people`s lives. It brings a section of society to the force without judging it, and provides it with the opportunities available to everyone else."

Sameer Ganatra

Projekt “Nari Shakti“

The objective of this project is to shape a more gender-equitable organisation and to create an environment that enables women. The programme is designed to recruit, retain and promote female talent, and to make HDFC ERGO an attractive employer not only for men but for women as well.

Atuf Gujapathi, project leader “Nari Shakti“

"Nari Shakti is our bold endeavour to employ women in positions that have long been dominated by men. In this way, we are creating a culture of acceptance that has a very positive effect on individuals and connects everyone in the company. It is important for female employees to find ways to be creative and never shy away from asking for help. Their success must be linked to the success of others.“

Atuf Gujapathi

In 2021, HDFC ERGO increased the share of female employees by five percentage points, raising it to a present 19%. For next year, HDFC ERGO has set itself a target of 23%.

Female empowerment: Inspiration, networking and learning to lead

HDFC ERGO also has other programmes to promote female managers. This is how “WeLead” and “Winspiration” came into being. These are mentoring programmes that focus on redefining leadership positions and showing participants ways in which to attain them.

“Network and Advocacy Programmes” is another networking initiative for developing and maintaining informal links between various women’s groups in the organisation. This initiative includes those who are transitioning from maternity leave or need support with their careers. These groups comprise aspiring female professionals who share their experiences of finding a good work-life balance and other issues women face.

Ishika Bharati, participant in “Nari Shakti”

“The vision behind Nari Shakti is to train women for professions traditionally reserved for men. It plays a role in abolishing prejudices by giving women new opportunities in areas previously barred to them. This significantly improves the employment opportunities available to women and empowers them to build a career for themselves. It is so satisfying and encouraging to see how much confidence the organisation places in us women zowards making a difference. It lays the foundation for a culture of trust, fairness, ownership and responsibility.“

Ishika Bharati

Facilitating the return to work for both men and women

Re-vibe is an integrative return-to-work programme at HDFC ERGO. It is aimed at employees who have taken a temporary break from work and now want to restart their working lives. It is a second-career programme designed for both women and men, which assists professionals in returning to work after a career break. The programme offers comprehensive support in identifying, looking after and promoting talent, and it helps people to revive their careers.

Talent search – not only in the insurance industry

HDFC ERGO India has a further platform called “Talentize”. Colleagues with different backgrounds – i.e. outside the insurance industry – can register with Talentize to obtain an opportunity to be hired and onboarded. Talent from outside the industry is therefore also welcome because this spawns new ideas and innovations in the company.

HDFC ERGO General Insurance in India: Cultivating diversity within and without.

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